Sunday, March 22, 2020

The COVID-Telework Diary: Day 7, in which we went on a driving scavenge hunt

Stir crazy.

Even with frequent walks around the neighborhood with the pup, we are getting a little stir crazy.  Rainy days and social distance can take a toll on anybody.

I've seen a lot of in-house scavenger hunts and in-the-neighborhood scavenger hunts online, but it's a dreary day (again) so we went for a drive.  I made a prize bag for The Boy to choose from upon completion of the scavenger hunt.  (The prizes are left over party favors, mainly.  And I plan to use these for incentives for him to do other things during our forced isolation.)

This scavenger hunt allowed us to:
  • Spend some fun time as a family.
  • Get out of the house.
  • Maintain our social distance.
  • See things we haven't seen in a few days.
  • Exercise our brains a little.
  • Sing Le Freak to The Boy, to his immense horror, and have a little laugh.
I recommend this for a dreary or sunny day get-out-of-the-house activity. 

Here's the scavenger hunt I made up, if you'd like to use it for a driving scavenger hunt with your family.  Or make up your own scavenger hunt that suits your environs.  Have fun!