Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What I did during the Government Shutdown, Day 8

Tuesday, October 8, 2013, Day Eight

Disclaimer:  The thoughts and feelings expressed in this post are solely the author's and do not represent the official position of any government agency.

Are you as bored with this as I am?  Judging by the traffic stats on my blog, I'm guessing that you are.

And who can blame you?  It's frustrating and enervating. 

Harry Reid may call it a "paid vacation" (but not yet, apparently), but on a vacation you don't have to check in every day, you don't have to worry whether you'll be paid or not, you know how long it will last, and you know whether you'll be working tomorrow or not. So it's something less than a vacation, Mr. Reid, thanks. I'd rather be working than wondering whether you'll allow me to work tomorrow or not. 

Anyway, The Boy woke up at 3 a.m.  Said he had a bad dream. I took him into our bed. Woke up again at 6:45 with a head-butt (accidental, I think) and the phrases, "I want water. I want milk.  I want to wake up!"  I told him that "please" would go a long way toward obtaining those things.  When I turned on the light, The Boy started moaning, "The liiight!  The lightie!" and holding his eyes. The Working Dad says he was awakened by being kicked in the back.  He's a regular little angel in the morning, our boy. 

BUT. He was easy to get dressed and off to school, so that's good. 

Today, in addition to taking my car in for an alignment, The Working Dad and I had a little date day that involved a meal and a museum and other fun stuff we like to do.

Yet, we find we're suffering ennui.....  We're a bit depressed. We'd like to know when we are going back to work, and on what terms.  It was fun hanging out with my husband, but the shutdown cast a pall on the day.

The latest news is that the House Republicans have come up with a committee idea, attached to which is a plan to pay those "essential" workers on a current basis. Is it possible that they might pass such a measure and then keep the government "shutdown" long term, perhaps rotating us in and out of the "essential" roles so we receive maybe 1/3 pay and operate in permanent shut down mode?  Yes, I am, in fact, paranoid. As I said in an earlier post, I don't trust these guys one bit.  I do feel like we government workers are constantly being thrown under the bus or offered up as political sacrifices, though. It gets old.

So.....  I did some laundry, checked the BB, practiced guitar.

I did not go running. Turns out that I did twist my knee trying to get away from that boxer.


Oh, I saw this butterfly. Pretty.