Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What I did during the Government Shutdown, Day 15

The thoughts and feeling expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not reflect the official position of any government agency.

Seriously?  We're going into our third week of this?

So I hit a nadir last week....  The feeling of being undervalued, the uncertainty of our family's financial future, the ennui...they all caught up with me in a big, dark, blue-gray way.  And I drowned my sorrows in sugar, fat and cheese.

I feel all bloaty, now. Worse, not better.  That's always the way, huh?, you drown your sorrows and then your sorrows drown you. 

So, today:  exercise, food diary, clean living.  Went for a long walk, despite the threat of rain, and I am not eating crappy, temporary-comfort food, but good-for-you, feel-better food.

In the midst of all the depressing facts surrounding the shut down, I remembered something:  I'm alive, I'm healthy, and so is my husband and my son.  And these are very good things.  Better than a job. 

The plan in the Senate, now, (because the House utterly failed to get anything done) seems to be an extension of the debt ceiling for six months and a budget that runs through 01/15/14.  They'd like a quick vote, but it would take only one Senator to prevent that from happening and to force the Senate to wait until Friday...the day after the country hits the debt ceiling.  And the "one Senator" everyone is worried about throwing a wrench into the works isn't saying what he's going to do. Coy. Cute. Annoying. 

You know, while I really want this to be over, I would dearly love to see the Congress move out of constant crisis mode. If we are always running up on economic deadlines, it's awfully difficult to address the real issues facing this country.  The budget should be the undergirding of the things that government does, it should not be the thing that government does.

So here's the end of this post.  I know it's not even noon yet, but I'm done.  It does me no good to dwell too much on the shut down. I'm going to get on with my day, rather than write about it.  And you've heard everything I have to say on the subject, I think...or everything I want to write down for public consumption anyway. Here's hoping that this is my last post on the shutdown. (But I don't think that it is....)