Disclaimer: The thoughts and feelings expressed in this post are solely the author's and do not represent the official position of any government agency.
Oh for fuck's sake.
It's 8:50 p.m. Central time. I just checked CSPAN2: It was showing a Ron Paul speech from earlier today in the lower lefthand corner and a view of an empty Senate chamber in the upper right with the legend, "Awaiting Senator to Speak." Some random Senator, two hours before funding ends, is going to make a speech.
So they'll definitely get this new deal voted on in the Senate and then get the House to vote on it AND get the President to sign it into law in the next two hours. Right? Sure.
Who could have predicted this two and a half weeks ago, right?, that we'd be doing this again? Oh wait, I did. 😉
And the stock market is going ape-shit too. I'm sure the volatility in the market has nothing to do with the volatility in our government.
This is so frustrating.
I refrained from using more profanity just there. Good girl. Proud of me.
Hey, Mr. McConnell and Mr. Schumer, who was in charge of getting Ron Paul onboard with your two-year budget deal? Did that person take a nap?
Never mind, I'm not watching CSPAN2 until 11 p.m. my time this go 'round. I'm going to grab my puppy and a glass of wine and switch over to watch the Olympics until I get tired. (And what's all this with the songs with lyrics in figure skating? Is this new? I don't like it. When does curling start?)
See y'all on the flip side.