You're in a bed that's not yours, with unfamiliar sounds and smells. You're away from your family. Your body clock is off, but it doesn't matter because the garbage truck or some other racket outside your window will wake you up at what feels to your body as 4:15 a.m. Then you go and work for 8 or 10 hours and do whatever it is that you do. And maybe the people you're working with want to go to dinner or, God forbid, drinks afterwards, when all you want to do is get back to the hotel, get a quick dinner (at ridiculous room services prices -- $43 for a hamburger, salad and glass of red wine?), FaceTime with your family, and go to sleep because you want to get onto the next day as quickly as possible so the trip will be over.
But if you're one of those people that likes business trips, then you don't feel that way at all do you? You're shutting down the hotel bar every night after work, bless you.
Still business travel in DC -- at least, in theory -- offers some unique opportunities, especially if your hotel is only about three blocks from the National Mall, like mine is.
However, the aforementioned after-hours socializing has, until tonight, hindered my after-work efforts to see some sites. But tonight, I finally got to visit a museum, the coolest museum ever, definitely in my top three favorite museums, if not #1. (And, importantly, I got the opportunity to shop in its store for my main men at home.). Wish I'd had more than an hour, and wished my guys were with me the whole time. Where did I go? Here's a hint.